Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Chancellor Christ to chat with UCOP staff

The popular new Chancellor Chats series welcomes UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ as its second speaker. Catch her in Oakland or via Zoom on Wednesday, June 5.

OPSA Steering Committee elections: Cast your vote!

Help drive the direction of staff leadership at UCOP by voting for new members to the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee. Committee members facilitate dialogue between staff and leadership, drive change and support staff interests.

OPSA Steering Committee

OPSA Steering Committee nominations and applications close Friday

If you’ve been planning to apply or nominate a colleague for the OPSA Steering Committee, hurry! All completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 31.

Build your UC career

Ready to ramp up your career at UCOP? Check out the many leadership and career development cohort opportunities available to UCOP staff. Whether you’re an aspiring manager, administrative professional or senior leader, there’s an opportunity for you!

UCOP daughters and sons come to Oakland

Last month, Oakland staff celebrated Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day with an afternoon of festivities and fun.

Apply to join the OPSA Steering Committee

If you’re committed to making UCOP a great place to work, consider joining the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee, where you can have a seat at the table to make decisions and create programs that benefit your colleagues. Applications are open through May 31.

The Cool Campus Challenge results are in!

UC’s second Cool Campus Challenge took place systemwide in April, and the results across all campuses show that our community is committed to fighting climate change! Check out the pledge photos and highlights.

Women We Admire: Kum-Kum Bhavnani

On Tuesday, May 14, join the PACSW for a discussion with Kum-Kum Bhavnani — chair-elect of the UC Systemwide Academic Senate as well as a professor, author and filmmaker.

On Wednesday, we walk!

The 10th annual UC Walks takes place this Wednesday, May 8. Whether you’re in Oakland or Riverside, get ready to join your colleagues for an afternoon of fitness and fun.