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2 September 2011 OP Headlines
Don't miss UC Berkeley Professor David Kirp speaking about his latest book, Kids First, at his talk today, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 12 to 1 p.m., in Franklin Lobby One.
2 September 2011 UC In The News
Eight UC campuses dominated Washington Monthly's 2011 College Guide and Rankings, with UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Berkeley taking the top three places for universities that contribute to social good.
Thanks to the entire OP community, every Frick sixth-grader got a backpack full of supplies to jumpstart their first year of middle school.
UC Berkeley's Transportation Injury Mapping System makes our roads and highways safer by mapping 130,000 serious and fatal crashes throughout California.
2 September 2011 Open Forum
OP's affinity groups want to hear back from you about last month's event, A Taste of Diversity. Please take this brief survey, which will only take a few moments, to provide your feedback.
1 September 2011 Did You Know?
The Senate Source is an online publication for University of California faculty published by the University of California Systemwide Academic Senate. See the August issue, now available online.
30 August 2011 UC In The News
Evanne St. Charles cofounded UCSB’s Program for Assessment and Certification for the Environment and Sustainability, one of UC’s many such programs.
30 August 2011 10-Second Bio
Cindy Pukatch, HR analyst for UCOP Local Human Resources, with her good buddy Mabusu at the Oakland Zoo, where she serves as vice president of the Docent Council.
30 August 2011 Did You Know?
VP Steve Beckwith and Senior VP Dan Dooley want you to sit down with them for breakfast at this week's First Friday in Franklin Lobby One and next week's Second Friday in Kaiser Room 612.
30 August 2011 OP Headlines
In an email last week, HR Executive Director John Fox notified UCOP about the 2011–12 merit increases, effective July 1, 2011, and expected to appear in November paychecks.
Don't miss the UCOP-sponsored class, Tips for More Effective Meetings, to be held Wednesday, Aug. 31, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 12322 Franklin.
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