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16 August 2011 OP Headlines
Come celebrate A Taste of Diversity on Franklin's Rooftop Garden this Thursday, Aug. 18, 3 to 4:30 p.m. The event celebrates the diversity of the UC community and raises awareness about OP's affinity groups.
15 August 2011 OP Headlines
There are still openings in emergency training sessions starting this month in the Franklin and Kaiser Buildings. Sign up today and become a certified emergency responder.
15 August 2011 UC In The News
UC has a new process for writing official policies. If you want to know more, sign up for one of these classes, presented by the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services, on rewriting policies into the new official template.
9 August 2011 Did You Know?
Commuter Check Direct, UCOP's pre-tax commuter program, will no longer offer paper BART high-value tickets as of the October 2011 benefit month. Be sure to take action by Sept. 5, 2011, so you will be ready to roll.
9 August 2011 UC In The News
In this July 27, 2011, letter, University of California President Mark G. Yudof addresses UC students and their parents about recent tuition increases and financial aid.
9 August 2011 Applause
Thought you missed your chance to participate in the backpack project? Join volunteers in Franklin's Lobby One this Friday, Aug. 12, at 2:30 p.m. for the final push to assemble packs for delivery to Frick School mid-month.
9 August 2011 OP Headlines
The BASC team includes (from left) Donna Collins, Karla Campbell, Karren Jamaca, Kamlesh Kumari, Michael Keleman, Gordon Jeong, Karen Helten, Roman Starno and Loreaner Lopez.
The UC Irvine Jazz Ensemble performs during the 'Jazz! Jazz! Jazz!' class at UC Irvine's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
2 August 2011 UC In The News
UC Merced hydrologist Roger Bales is working on a Berkeley–Merced collaboration using matchbook-sized sensors to predict water availability from the Sierra snowmelt.
2 August 2011 10-Second Bio
UCOP Benefits Analyst Dilcie Paschall with her djembe, a West African drum that originated in the 12th century.
1 August 2011 UC In The News
An exhaustive audit of UC, requested by state Sen. Leland Yee and conducted by the Bureau of State Audits, found no evidence of what Yee alleged to be waste, fraud and abuse by the University of California.
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