BRC Travel and Entertainment team will host two business travel events this week
Learn how to reconcile university bank charges and get a tour of the new ConnexUC website.
Learn how to reconcile university bank charges and get a tour of the new ConnexUC website.
The maximum daily reimbursement is now $92 for continental U.S. travel under 30 days.
If you have ever been confused about the steps needed to reserve a rental car for work, this session is for you.
The next Travel Talk Tuesday will focus on everything you need to know about creating airfare comparison quotes.
Attend to learn more about the benefits of booking within our systemwide program — and have an opportunity to win prizes from our travel partners.
Explore the benefits of booking travel within our systemwide program.
The Central Travel Office continues to educate and inform UC travelers on the benefits of booking within our systemwide program.
Now, you can enjoy the Earth Month Flyover recording series on your own time — with each session packed full of sustainability gold.
If you travel frequently on UCOP business, you may want to consider applying for a UCOP Travel & Entertainment Card. Here's how.
UCOP's travel pros share helpful tips for getting your paperwork in order for prompt reimbursements.
If you've taken advantage of UC travel services this year, or have booked travel through the portal, ConnexUC, for someone else, we want to hear from you!