Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Shot of a young businesswoman sitting in the audience of a business conference and raising her hand

Take Charge: Learn how to develop a career strategy

If you’re an administrative, support or entry-level staff member who’s ready to take your career to the next level, apply for this program.

Person working on laptop computer

Learn how to influence without authority

You don't need to manage people to grow your career, leverage your knowledge and make an impact.

October classes and workshops start today

Offered at no charge to UCOP staff, these helpful trainings can boost your personal and professional growth.

Man walking across the street

Learn to protect yourself with safety courses from UCOP

Become informed, alert and safer as you travel to and from the workplace and in many other situations.

Man working on laptop computer

Learn this fall with October classes and workshops

October is the perfect time to take stock of what you still hope to accomplish this year and to make progress toward those goals.

Man working on laptop and with pen and paper

Build your software skills with free virtual tech workshops

Check out classes and workshops to boost your skills and grow further knowledge.

Man working on laptop computer

September classes are here

Register today to start building your skills throughout September.

Man walking across the street

Boost your safety knowledge with workshops at UCOP

UCOP Learning and Development and UCOP Safety have partnered to host informative workshops on basic safety and active-attacker situations.

Woman giving a presentation

Strengthen your communication skills with upcoming UCOP workshops

Honing your communication skills can boost your workplace performance and relationships within and outside the office.

Shot of a young businesswoman sitting in the audience of a business conference and raising her hand

Learn about the UCOP Leadership Fundamentals for Aspiring Leaders program (LFP)

Learn key aspects of leadership, time management and wellness in thisL cohort learning opportunity.