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Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Be vigilant with “urgent” messages: Protect your information from phishing scams

Follow these tips from UCOP ITS to protect your accounts.

Man working at laptop computer, holding a cellphone

Duo authentication changes begin November 1

In its ongoing effort to protect UCOP and employee data, ITS recently updated the Duo authentication process, enabling new features.

Cybersecurity on internet, secure network connection and cloud, personal data protection and privacy, technology against email phishing, fraud and cybercrime, business person touching screen

Boost your cybersecurity savvy this October

Mark Cybersecurity Awareness Month with tips, events and resources from throughout UC.

Computer security on the internet lock icon

Have you signed up for UC-paid identity theft protection?

UC provides a comprehensive identity protection program for UC employees, retirees and their dependent children up to age 18.

Abstract banner. Cyber security in 3d style.

UC employee paychecks targeted by recent phishing emails

Attackers have gained unauthorized access to UCPath accounts and paycheck information.

Man working on laptop

Changes coming to UCPath logins on July 31

In its ongoing efforts to protect UCOP and employee data, ITS is taking steps to strengthen security for UCPath logins.

Damian Luna brings cyber risk expertise to UCOP

Damian is managing UC's new Cyber Risk Assessment Unit.

UC Investments team members

New UC Investments Security Program provides enhanced financial data security

The partnership between UC Investments and Technology Delivery Services provides customized cybersecurity to meet UC Investments' unique needs.