Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

UC students campaigning on campus

UC Legal shares guidance on political activities

UC Legal has put together a helpful list of guidelines to help you express your opinion while following regulatory requirements.

Man working at laptop computer

Vote in the 2023 UCRS Advisory Board staff election

Find out who's running and learn how to cast your ballot.

GUEA explores what to expect with the 2022 elections

Join UC researchers in exploring how political, economic and legal dynamics have set the stage for this year's national election.

What Now? What next? The 2022 Midterms and the Future of Democracy

UCOP’s Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Equity Affairs has partnered with the Future of Democracy Initiative (part of the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation), the School of Global Policy and Strategy and

Vote on Sept. 14

Mark your calendar to vote next Tuesday, Sept. 14

Here's what you need to know to vote in the Sept. 14, 2021, election.

Stressed woman wearing mask

Tips for coping with election stress

If you’re stressed out by the upcoming presidential election, you’re not alone. These questions will help you check in with yourself—and perhaps boost your resilience.

Help get out the vote with fun social media banners and more

This may be an election like no other, but it’s as important as ever to let your voice be heard. Share your passion for the democratic process with fun social media assets from UC.

Become a poll worker for Alameda County

Do you have time to support your community around the November election? If so, consider becoming a poll worker in Alameda County.

Register to vote

Are you ready to vote? Register today!

Flex your political power by participating in federal and state elections. The registration deadline for the March 3 California primary is next Tuesday, Feb. 18.