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Woman receiving vaccine

Five ways to respond to people who don’t want the COVID-19 vaccine

The Greater Good Science Center shares research-based guidelines to help people overcome their vaccine hesitancy.

Woman reading with cat

How to structure your day to feel less stressed

If you don’t control your schedule, your schedule will control you. UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center shares what you can do about it.

Stressed woman wearing mask

Tips for coping with election stress

If you’re stressed out by the upcoming presidential election, you’re not alone. These questions will help you check in with yourself—and perhaps boost your resilience.

Two men talking at outdoor table

How to have better political conversations

According to UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, exploring the other person’s values can lead to better conversations about politics and other sensitive topics.

Greater Good Science Center: The ripple effects of a “thank you”

The Greater Good Science Center explains how expressing gratitude positively affects you, the recipient of the positivity and anyone who hears it.