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Charles Melton

10-second bio: Meet Charles Melton: From UC Davis to UCDC

You may not often see Charles Melton at UCOP's downtown Oakland offices; that's because he works in the UC Washington Center, or UCDC, UC's home in the nation's capital.

Office closures for November, December and January holidays

UCOP offices will be closed for Veteran's Day (tomorrow, Nov. 11) and Thanksgiving (Nov. 27 and 28). Over the winter break, offices will be closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 1 and reopen on Friday, Jan. 2.

female veteran

UCOP expands its outreach to hire U.S. veterans

UCOP is reaching out to recruit U.S. veterans through a virtual career fair and other efforts to take advantage of their skills and to further diversify the UCOP workforce.

Open Enrollment 2015

Final two Open Enrollment brown bags at Franklin, Kaiser this week

This week, UCOP HR Benefits will present its final two brown bags on 2015 Open Enrollment. Benefits staff will be on hand to answer your questions.

Coolidge on College: How to Apply for Financial Aid, Nov. 13

Associate Director of Student Financial Support Nancy Coolidge will present an overview of financial aid, part of the annual series on UC admissions, this Thursday, Nov. 13, in 9204 Franklin.

Channel Park cleanup crew

Join UCOP’s Young Professionals for Channel Park cleanup day, Saturday, Nov. 15

UCOP returns to Channel Park for another cleanup day, this one sponsored by UCOP's Young Professionals Association. All UCOP staff, friends and family are invited to participate.

Risky Business: Click-throughs and You, Tuesday, Nov. 18

If you're confused about click-through agreements, join Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services for a webinar on the risks and appropriate choices of interacting with them, on Nov. 18.

screenshot from online course intro

Have you checked out the online course for managers and supervisors?

If you haven't had a chance to check out UC Performance Management, take a look at this quick video for an overview of the series of eight online learning modules for people managers.