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Is a college degree worth it?

President Napolitano gives her opinion on whether a college degree is worth it in her latest LinkedIn post.

President Napolitano at Merced

First buildings of Merced 2020 project open to students

President Janet Napolitano visited the campus to help open the first phase of its massive expansion project.

Sautter Award-winning projects showcase IT innovations that streamline UC

Awards celebrate projects that use information technology to make university operations more effective and efficient and to better serve faculty, staff, students and patients.

Friday: Clinic offers tips, help to turn you into a Zoom expert

This is the first of several Zoom clinics to help you master the basics and learn about features you may not have discovered.

Be alert for cybersecurity scams as the school year begins

Tips to help you protect yourself and the university from cyber scams.

Hospital scene

UC hospitals recognized as nation, state’s best

UC has two of the nation’s top 10 hospitals and all five of its medical centers are among California’s best, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Courtesy notice regarding annual systemwide payroll disclosure

As part of the university’s commitment to being transparent and publicly accountable, including on the way it compensates its faculty and staff, UC is conducting its annual disclosure of systemwide employee compensation.

You’re invited to LaSA’s Day at the Ballpark: A’s vs. Rangers!

Join the Latino Staff Association at Hispanic Heritage Day at the Oakland Coliseum.

Runner with his dog

Staying safe in the sun

An associate professor of dermatology at UCSF, shares her thoughts on skin cancer prevention.


UC campuses ranked best in the nation for excellent, affordable education

The University of California is a national leader in educational quality, affordability and alumni success, according to new rankings released by MONEY magazine.

Upgrades to conference rooms this summer will enhance meeting capabilities

Starting this month, the audio and video equipment in 11 conference rooms in UCOP’s Oakland offices will be upgraded.

IT Tip: Save the Data!

Learn the best ways to back up your data.

Thursday workshop: Leveraging LinkedIn to manage your professional brand

LinkedIn Sales Development Manager Hector Preciado will speak about the value of LinkedIn and how to use it to your advantage.