Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

CJ Frosch, right, operations manager and executive assistant in the department of Finance, introduces Karen Brent, MA, communications analyst in Medical Education, to learning and development opportunities at the annual Staff Resource Day, in the Millberry Conference Center, at the Parnassus campus.

Apply for the UCOP Mentorship Program today

Share and learn career skills and leadership practices, guide and navigate the UCOP culture and build new relationships at work.

Woman with short hair working on laptop computer

Build your skills with UCOP summer classes

UCOP offers a range of professional development opportunities at no charge to employees. Check out the upcoming offerings.

airplane wing

State-funded travel restrictions update

An update on restrictions on state-funded travel to states with discriminatory laws.

Love potion in a bottle

Why does love feel magical? It’s an evolutionary advantage

It’s not logical to believe your relationship is “meant to be.” But believing in destined love may have its purpose.

Jo Mackness, staff advisor designate to the Regents

Meet Jo Mackness, staff advisor designate to the Regents

Jo brings experience gained from a people-focused career, as well as a passion for leadership and connection, to the staff advisor role.

Dr. Maddie Deutsch of UCSF on gender-affirming care

The head of UCSF's Gender Affirming Health Program — one of the country's most respected transgender and nonbinary health programs — discusses her field.

The UC Alumni Career Network offers new webinars

Upcoming episodes from the UC Alumni Career Network will focus on remote and hybrid leadership, atypical career paths and the secrets to in-person and digital networking.

Share what you’re reading, watching and listening to this summer

Take a moment to complete a short survey to share up to three of your current favorite books, TV shows, movies and podcasts. We'll share the results in an upcoming issue!