Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Smokestacks at sunset

What to know about the Supreme Court’s ruling against the EPA

UCLA experts described the ruling as a “power grab” in a case that, under other circumstances, the court previously would have declined to even hear.

Woman leading a meeting

Host more inclusive hybrid and virtual meetings

By engaging all participants, you'll create a climate of openness that will foster greater teamwork and more decision ownership.

Men looking at docs on a clipboard

LinkedIn Learning challenge: Become a master of change

From shifts in your personal or professional lives, to broader changes to the world at large, change can be challenging. Learn how to better navigate it with these self-paced resources.

Man walking down the street carrying luggage

UC Travel Supplier Town Hall series begins July 20

This is a unique opportunity for UC staff to engage with major travel suppliers and learn more about their operations.

Play bingo this Friday with OPSA

Register by Thursday, July 14, to join colleagues from all UCOP locations and other campuses for a friendly virtual bingo game.

President Drake applauds the 2022-23 California budget

President Michael V. Drake, M.D., has spoken on a final state budget that will strengthen the University of California for years to come.

UC joins forces with the California Secretary of State to facilitate student voting

The resolution affirms UC’s longstanding partnership with the Secretary of State’s office to increase voter participation by eligible university students, faculty, staff and surrounding UC campus community members.

In fiscal year 2020-2021, UC Health delivered billions in community benefits

University of California Health’s academic health centers and faculty practices provided $4.1 billion in FY 20-21 in programs, activities and care to treat and promote health and healing in communities across California.