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Three upcoming classes can support your well-being in the new year

The new year is an exciting time, but it can also bring new stress as we seek to outline our goals over the coming year. UCOP Learning and Development is here to help with three courses aimed at helping you get the perspective you need to succeed all year, supporting your mental health and positioning you to thrive.

Upcoming live workshops

Select each course name to register through the UC Learning Center

Mindfulness at UCOP
Jan. 20, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. (PT)
Less stress. Enhanced awareness and focus. Improved health. These are some of the benefits shown in research studies on mindfulness. In this one-hour workshop, you will learn how to both reduce your stress and increase your effectiveness at work through simple mindfulness techniques.

Navigating Change and Transitions
Jan. 26, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (PT)
“The only thing that is constant is change” — Heraclitus, who lived 100 years before Plato, knew this, and it is still true in today’s world. This workshop will explore the human response to change and stages within the transition process. Participants will expand their capability to successfully navigate through personal and professional changes while utilizing the William Bridges transition model and psychological flexibility framework.

21 Practices for Happiness at Work
Jan. 31, 1 – 3 p.m. (PT)
In this hands-on workshop presented by popular vendor People-OnTheGo, participants will learn to develop and practice the mindfulness, emotional intelligence, growth mindset and productivity skills that are crucial in today’s workplace. We’ll focus on behavioral changes and initiative-taking, while at the same time paying attention to self-care, stress reduction, fostering enjoyment and self-fulfillment.

View all upcoming classes on the Link Classes and Workshops page.

Self-paced courses and videos

Can’t seem to schedule a live course? Take advantage of the self-paced courses and videos available to you through your LinkedIn Learning membership. UCOP’s Learning and Development team has personally compiled and vetted courses that are helpful and relevant to UCOP staff in several collections, including the following:

  • Leading and Working in Times of Complexity and Stress
    Learn ideas and practices from leaders across various organizations on leading during a crisis. Some relate specifically to COVID-19 situations, while others are generally focused on leading during times of stress and complexity. Topics include trust, communication, supporting your team, resilience, managing stress and change management.
  • Work and Wellness
    Watch courses and videos to support your physical and emotional health, including mindfulness, yoga at work, healthy work habits and managing stress and anxiety.

New to LinkedIn Learning? Check out this helpful overview of UCOP access and the UCOP LinkedIn Learning frequently asked questions (FAQ).

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