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Managers’ Corner: Have more productive STEP conversations

As part of UCOP’s Staff Talent Evaluation Process (aka STEP), all employees participate in three scheduled Check-in conversations with their managers each year. These conversations give you and your employees an opportunity to discuss the status of goals and competencies, give and receive feedback, address concerns and discuss any needed support.

Because it can sometimes be difficult to provide employees with actionable feedback — especially if improvement is needed — UCOP launched the GROW coaching framework in 2021. The GROW framework is a simple meeting structure that supports a growth and development stance in employee-manager coaching and feedback conversations.

A helpful workshop from UCOP Learning and Development can help you succeed even further. In GROWing your Check-In Conversations for Managers, we will discuss and practice using the GROW framework as a strategy and tool to support engaging STEP checkpoint conversations. Learn how the framework is designed to support you in helping employees succeed.

Upcoming sessions: Thursday, Aug. 1, Friday, Aug. 9, and Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PT)

Register online here

Note: The e-course, “GROWing your Checkpoint Conversations” must be taken prior to this class.

Visit the STEP website for more information about our performance appraisal process. For questions, contact your manager, HR Business Partner or

More upcoming professional development opportunities for managers

LinkedIn Learning for Managers
July 31, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Learn how to use LinkedIn Learning with your team as a professional learning tool. As a UCOP Manager or Supervisor, LinkedIn Learning has tools and features to make assigning and tracking team learning easy!

People Leader Forum – Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)
Aug. 16, 1 – 2 p.m.
The People Leader Forum is a monthly opportunity for people managers to connect with one another to develop leadership skills, build community, share best practices, swap strategies for navigating current challenges and learn to better support themselves and their teams.

Mark your calendar for other upcoming People Leader Forums:

  • September 20: Reflecting on People Management Biases
  • October 18: Equity Process Review

GROW Plus: Accountability Conversations for Managers
Aug. 23, Sept. 23 or Sept. 26, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
This is the second part of the required live training series on manager and employee performance conversations. This training answers the question: “What do I do when my coaching is not improving performance?” In this virtual, live, and highly interactive workshop, we will cover: providing productive critical feedback, managing emotions, creating efficient documentation and holding effective accountability conversations. Managers will also practice role-playing accountability conversations using the UCOP GROW Plus framework.

For questions on the above classes, contact

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