UCOP hosts second annual EDI conference
About 200 UCOP colleagues and guests participated in the event, which took place at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center.
About 200 UCOP colleagues and guests participated in the event, which took place at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center.
Do you have a plan for casting your vote on Nov. 5? UC is here to help.
Here at UC, we take pride in the diversity of our workforce and celebrate the contributions and partnership of colleagues with all levels of abilities.
Meet UC students doing their part this election season to keep our democracy strong.
UC students who fall below a 2.0 grade point average will now be on “academic notice” instead of “academic probation.”
Giorgio will address mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression and burnout, as well as the impact of workplace microaggressions.
Get updates on nationwide drug shortages as well as how UC Health is working to address them in support of California communities.
Learn more about your benefits, meet plan representatives, talk to UCOP's health care facilitator and more.
Whether you're considering a career change, exploring new paths or curious about IT jobs, this event will broaden your knowledge of the IT landscape.
UCPath welcomed more than 60 payroll directors and leaders from across the UC system.
The year’s not over yet! Take advantage of the remaining time to meet your professional development goals.
In its ongoing effort to protect UCOP and employee data, ITS recently updated the Duo authentication process, enabling new features.
Find out how self-care practices can strengthen your abilities as a leader and individually.