UC shines in new global rankings
In two separate global rankings this week, UC was among the world's best for its high-quality research and scientific influence.
In two separate global rankings this week, UC was among the world's best for its high-quality research and scientific influence.
Meet Business Systems Analyst Nikki Lopez of Procurement Services. She’s passionate about strength training and is on a mission to get barbells into the hands of more women.
Sylvia Bhatia, chair of the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee, welcomes this year’s new members.
Are there skills you need to strengthen for success in your career? Learning and Development is here to help. Check out current classes or submit a training request.
Are you ready for the Oakland move? Clear your workspace by recycling obsolete paper records. Our next purge week will take place June 24-28.
Have you been tempted by the urban electric scooter trend? If so, be sure to check out these important tips for a safer ride.
Ann Jeffrey, incoming staff advisor to the Regents, looks forward to taking a “big picture” approach to making a difference for all UC staff.
June 19 is Juneteenth — and BFSO is celebrating in Oakland with an afternoon potluck and board games. All employees are invited to attend!
Nancy Pluzdrak, executive director of UCOP Human Resources, kicks off a new article series about her team with a helpful overview of HR’s current structure, priorities and initiatives.