Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Last chance to register for the 2017 UC People Management Conference

  The first annual University of California People Management Conference will be held in Los Angeles on Aug. 2-3, 2017 (with a networking reception on Aug. 1). Participant registration for the conference closes on July

Shine some light on your personal finances with a summer workshop

Take a look at the third quarter schedule of free personal financial workshops.

The need for blood doesn’t take a summer vacation

Can you spare an hour to save three lives?

DATE CHANGE for Elder Care and Aging in Place brown bag

Please update your calendar: This event has been rescheduled from June 28 to July 6.

Reserve by Friday for LaSA’s July Night at the Ballpark

Reserve and pay by June 30 if you want to join your colleagues at the July 31 ballgame.

You’re invited to LaSA’s Night at the Ballpark: A’s vs. Giants!

Reserve your spot by June 30 for a fun night out at the Oakland ballpark on July 31.

Cue the food trucks: The Lot at 1100 Broadway opens Wednesday

Rev up your appetites! The Lot will host delicious food trucks this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Brown bag: Elder Care and Aging in Place

Rescheduled from an earlier date: Bring your lunch to this July 6 brown bag hosted by the Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association (APISA).

Free lunchtime concerts in downtown Oakland this summer

Take a musical break on Wednesdays and Fridays by attending free concerts featuring local musicians.

Zoom Open Houses can help you with termination of ReadyTalk

UCOP Telecommunications will hold two all-day open houses for Zoom transition questions.

FRIDAY: Come to the annual UCOP Pride Ice Cream Social

We all scream for ice cream! It’s time for the 7th annual UCOP Pride Ice Cream Social: Date: Friday, June 2 Time: 1 to 2 p.m. Location: Franklin fifth floor roof garden All UCOP staff are invited to join