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Meet OP: Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) Customer Care

  About 5,000 UC employees retire each year systemwide. You may not be at that stage of life yet, but when you’re ready to retire, what happens and who will help you? Meet Ellen Lorenz, the

Introducing some inspiring members of UC’s Class of 2017

  As the strains of “Pomp of Circumstance” ring out over auditoriums and quads this spring, roughly 67,000 new UC graduates will join 1.8 million alumni in going forth to make their mark on their

Lessons from the Golden State Warriors – and photos of their victory parade

The Golden State Warriors are a Greater Good  team. I say that not only because they play in Oakland, just a few miles from our office. Nor because several of our staff (myself included) have

Plan ahead: Golden State Warriors parade in downtown Oakland this Thursday

To celebrate their NBA championship win, the city of Oakland is hosting a victory parade and rally for the Golden State Warriors on Thursday, June 15. Up to a million spectators are expected to attend. This

Vote for new OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee members

2017 OPSA Steering Committee candidates: Matt Leet (from left), Mindy Matthews and Bobby Cook. Not pictured: Jeannette Ritchie (no photo submitted for election).   It’s election time again! If you are a UCOP career employee, you are

Free lunchtime concerts in downtown Oakland this summer

Take a musical break on Wednesdays and Fridays by attending free concerts featuring local musicians.

From UC Santa Cruz student to modern-day abolitionist

  Even at UC Santa Cruz, a campus known for its idealism, sociology major Jesse Abrams set an ambitious goal: build a community of student abolitionists to help bring men, women and children in India from

UCOP celebrates Pride Month with 7th annual Ice Cream Social

“I’m determined that we will keep moving forward, not back.” With those words, President Napolitano added sprinkles of optimism to the 7th annual UCOP Pride Ice Cream Social, which she celebrated with a large crowd