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4 December 2012 OP Headlines
A survey and space utilization study began this week, part of the Strategic Workspace Planning Initiative to address space challenges in UCOP’s Oakland locations.
More than 20 vendors will be hawking their wares at UCOP’s Dec. 7 Holiday Crafts Fair, including jewelry, bath and body products and olive oil and sun-dried tomatoes from UC Davis.
Nearly 80 percent of UCOP employees responded to the UC Campus Climate Study last month, part of the ongoing effort to survey all 420,000 staff and students at 13 UC locations.
Submit nominations by tomorrow, Dec. 5, for the 2012 OP Innovation and Impact Awards, which last year recognized 18 staff for extraordinary service.
Preston Maring, M.D., returns to UCOP this month for two more healthy cooking classes, with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients and recipes.
27 November 2012 OP Headlines
Beginning Monday, Dec. 3, the Building and Administrative Service Center will conduct an online survey and walkthroughs of UCOP buildings, part of the study on how effectively our workspace is being used.
Learn the story behind UC's new visual identity and how to get help with your communications needs at these information sessions, hosted by UCOP Communications on Nov. 29 and Dec. 3.
Communications Traffic Coordinator Tracy FitzGerald (shown at last year's fair with husband Doug MacNeil) is registered for the Dec. 7 event to sell notebooks crafted from recycled library books.
If you're interested in Take Charge, UCOP's new professional development program designed specifically for administrative and support staff, apply by this Friday, Nov. 30.
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