Our next STEP Check-ins are due next Friday, Dec. 6
Learn how to prepare and how to get help.
Learn how to prepare and how to get help.
The maximum daily reimbursement is now $92 for continental U.S. travel under 30 days.
All UCOP employees must complete mandatory workplace violence prevention training by Dec. 20, 2024.
UCOP employees with hybrid work arrangements have additional flexibility to work from home, with an annual allotment of three designated holiday flex-weeks and one floating flex-week.
The holiday season is upon us! As you celebrate in the office, please take note of these timely reminders from UCOP Building Services.
The second STEP Check-in for FY2024-25 is due by Dec. 6. Prepare for a meaningful conversation and take the training you need.
This release will maintain system functionality while improving user accessibility.
UCOP staff may not send or receive personal mail and packages to and from work.
To ensure you receive timely notifications about security incidents affecting your location, register your cellphone number.
Follow these tips from UCOP ITS to protect your accounts.