Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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May update on OP Restructuring Effort

In her latest update, President Napolitano detailed four additional restructuring options that will be reviewed in the coming weeks and months.

UC Walks is back! Get some exercise and boost your wellbeing Wednesday

Pick up your free T-shirt and other goodies, and don't forget to share your photos on Twitter and Instagram using #UCWalks.

Meet OP’s John Sims and his push for an “equal playing field”

After more than 30 years working in employment law, equal opportunity in the workplace is still what drives John Sims. “I want people to be treated fairly,” Sims said. “If everyone has equal opportunity, and

Want to help make a difference? Consider joining OPSA Steering Committee

“I enjoyed participating in the OP Staff Assembly because it made me feel more connected with the people at the University of California Office of the President. As a member and later as the

FRIDAY: Take the survey and help Franklin go for gold!

Want to be a part of something big, and green, and gold? No, this has nothing to do with the Oakland A’s. It’s about UC’s Franklin headquarters and its all-out effort to go for gold,

The Systemwide WellBeing Initiative: Making UC a healthier place to work, learn and grow

Now you have easy access to information about events and resources aimed at improving your wellbeing.

Wednesday: Staff Engagement Survey results brown bag

This is the second brown bag on this topic, and it will include an opportunity for additional staff feedback through instant polling.

Photo slideshow: The day UCOP staff took the kids to work

It was no ordinary workday at the Franklin Building. On April 26, Franklin’s hallways and conference rooms teemed with children clad in UC T-shirts and eager to catch a glimpse of what happens at

Complete the new compliance training by June 30

This required systemwide training is designed to raise continued awareness of the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct, and to emphasize the university’s commitment to ethical and compliant behavior.