Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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UCH Systemwide Grand Rounds: Drug Shortages, the Persistent Consequence of a Vulnerable Drug Supply Chain

Tuesday: UC Health grand rounds on national drug shortages

Get updates on nationwide drug shortages as well as how UC Health is working to address them in support of California communities.

Man talking to his doctor

Open Enrollment Kick-Off Fair in Oakland this Wednesday

Learn more about your benefits, meet plan representatives, talk to UCOP's health care facilitator and more.

OPSA panel will focus on how IT careers encompass diverse skills and experiences

Whether you're considering a career change, exploring new paths or curious about IT jobs, this event will broaden your knowledge of the IT landscape.

Group photo UCPath

UCPath hosts successful annual payroll directors conference

UCPath welcomed more than 60 payroll directors and leaders from across the UC system.

Person working on laptop computer

Get ready for November classes and workshops

The year’s not over yet! Take advantage of the remaining time to meet your professional development goals.

Man working at laptop computer, holding a cellphone

Duo authentication changes begin November 1

In its ongoing effort to protect UCOP and employee data, ITS recently updated the Duo authentication process, enabling new features.

Computer with journal and mug of tea

Support yourself: Practice self-care at work

Find out how self-care practices can strengthen your abilities as a leader and individually.

Dog sitting in car at UC Santa Barbara

The next Travel Talk Tuesday will focus on rental car expenses

If you have ever been confused about the steps needed to reserve a rental car for work, this session is for you.

pile of scarves

Oakland staff: Time is running out to claim lost belongings

Due to the volume of found items, the WMC will need to discard unclaimed belongings by the end of the year (prior to the Winter Curtailment).

From President Drake: Civic engagement is healthy and strong at UC

President Drake encourages voting and applauds the dedication of UC staff and faculty.