Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

ICYMI: UCOP Season of Gratitude Celebration on Dec. 14

In case you missed this announcement: The year-end event for all Oakland-based staff has been scheduled.

filing cabinet

UCOP Records Management survey: What you said

In response to your survey concerns, here's information on the many services that Records Management provides, including help with digitizing your files.

Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family update

A reminder to deliver all gifts for your adopted family by Dec. 8. Didn't adopt a family? You can still help out.

Webinar: How Will ESSA Affect K–12 Schools and Districts in California?

If your job involves supporting California's K–12 schools, this webinar will provide essential information about California’s plan to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Save the date: UCOP Season of Gratitude Celebration on Dec. 14

Mark your calendars to attend the annual year-end event for all Oakland-based staff.

Women We Admire: Carol Christ

Save the date: On Dec. 11, the UC Berkeley chancellor will be the next guest in this popular speaker series.

Waste not, want not: New recycling regulations

Find out about Alameda County's new regulations for recycling, compost and waste management for both home and office.

Sneak peek of what you can buy at the UCOP Craft Fair on Nov. 30

Don't spend all your money shopping at the mall or online this weekend! Take a look at the beautiful items that you'll be able to buy at the Fair next week.

Person using their laptop

Shopping online? Protect yourself with these tips.

Cybercriminals are out in force this time of year. Do you know all the ways to protect yourself?

Year-end reminders: January pay date, W-2s, W-4s, Flexible Spending Accounts

Please review this important information, as some items may require action on your part.