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7 February 2012 OP Headlines
Patsy Alejado joins Venus Kirk, Michael Lum and Annette Mora to bring UCOP clients in more than 20 departments and divisions a range of human resources services.
7 February 2012 UC In The News
A UC Merced calculus course is the first class offered through UC's online instruction project, blending online coursework with weekly discussions, a format that allows students to work at their own pace.
President Yudof recently appeared on the PBS NewsHour and KQED Radio's Forum, responding to President Obama's plan to keep college tuition costs in check and describing UC's ongoing efforts, and challenges, to keep UC accessible.
7 February 2012 Did You Know?
Effective Tuesday, Feb. 7, UCOP employees will be able to access their UCOP email from personally owned mobile devices, including smartphones and iPads. Learn how to configure and secure your device.
Beginning in March, all faculty, staff and retirees who have family members enrolled in UC-sponsored medical, dental and/or vision plans will be asked to verify their family members' eligibility.
Did you know that EBMUD has an ongoing Weight Watchers at Work program that meets Wednesdays 12 to 1 pm? Enjoy discounts as well as the convenience of a location right across the street from UCOP.
31 January 2012 OP Headlines
President Yudof handed out 18 OP Impact Awards, including this eight-person cross-functional team, as well as 64 UCOP staff who have served the university for 10, 15, 20, 25 and even 30 years.
31 January 2012 UC In The News
Twenty-three Student Affairs staff from all 10 UC campuses came to UCOP for two days of training in restorative justice, a conflict-resolution process UC is considering for use in a campus setting.
UCSF's nationally recognized Ray and Dagmar Dolby Regeneration Medicine Building is just one of the LEED-green certified facilities that makes UC a leader in sustainable building practices.
UC and international leaders will gather on Feb. 4, at the second annual UC Global Health Day, to discuss population growth and global health. The event, to be held at UC Berkeley, is sponsored by the UC Global Health Institute.
Act now for great discounts on upcoming games. The deadline is Friday, Feb. 3, to purchase tickets for the men's game against Oregon State on Saturday, Feb. 18.
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