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Shout-Out for the BRC team

Pratima Reddy is grateful for the exceptional help the BRC team offered for a recent conference booking.

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Travel expense report tips from the BRC

UCOP's travel pros share helpful tips for getting your paperwork in order for prompt reimbursements.

Woman working at a desktop computer

New BRC training: Event expenses and other reimbursements

Learn how to submit reimbursements for non-travel-related expenses.

Man working on laptop and with pen and paper

8 tips for submitting your expense reports

Follow these tips to avoid delaying your reimbursement.

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Helpful guidance on the UC Travel Policy for remote workers

If you're a remote worker, or support team members who work remotely, check out these helpful responses to common questions.

Dog sitting in car at UC Santa Barbara

New mileage reimbursement rate

UC has increased its mileage rates for business travel.


New entertainment and meal allowance rates

As of Sept. 8, 2022, UC has updated entertainment and meal allowance rates.

airplane wing

State-funded travel restrictions update

An update on restrictions on state-funded travel to states with discriminatory laws.

Dog sitting in car at UC Santa Barbara

New mileage reimbursement rate

UC has increased its mileage rates for business and relocation-related travel.