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Woman holding binoculars

Get the latest traveling advice from UC experts

From rental car shortages to COVID-19 updates and the latest on personal travel, the Central Travel Office has webinars to help you navigate your next journey.

Woman receiving vaccine

Information about required COVID-19 vaccinations for UCOP employees

Here’s what you need to know about vaccinations and returning to work.

Woman receiving vaccine

Five ways to respond to people who don’t want the COVID-19 vaccine

The Greater Good Science Center shares research-based guidelines to help people overcome their vaccine hesitancy.

Illustration of brain and COVID-19 virus

Tips for navigating post-lockdown anxiety

As COVID-19 vaccinations continue, and we move toward full re-opening, many people are feeling re-entry anxiety. If you’re in this boat, here’s how to cope.

Illustration of COVID-19 vaccine

Fig. 1 presents: Here’s why the COVID-19 vaccine is safe

COVID vaccines arrived with historic speed, but the science behind them isn’t knew. Here’s how we created them.

Managers’ Corner: The People Leaders Forum kicks off next Friday

Learning and Development is expanding this popular monthly series, which began at UCPath, to all UCOP locations. This month we’ll focus on PACSW’s caregiver toolkit.

On Dec. 16, 2020, senior custodian William Wyatt was the first frontline health care hero at UCSF to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. (Photo ©UCSF Health)

University of California Health administers its one-millionth COVID-19 vaccine

University of California Health has marked a significant milestone in the fight against a pandemic that has killed more than 60,000 people in California.

Dr. Carrie Byington administers a vaccine

Dr. Byington reflects on a year of heartbreak and hope

Dr. Carrie L. Byington, an infectious-disease expert, has had an unprecedented first year as executive vice president and head of University of California Health.

Smiling woman dressed in white

The UCOP Future of Work Survey launches Tuesday

The UCOP Future of Work Survey will give you an opportunity to provide input on workplace needs and options.