Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

UC hires first systemwide Title IX coordinator

Kathleen Salvaty will report directly to President Napolitano in a role that will lead efforts against sexual violence and sexual harassment throughout the university.

Sexual harassment prevention training: Live presentation offered March 1

The class mixes serious education and learning with humor, entertainment and spirited discussion as professional actors dramatize real-life scenarios that illustrate both overt and subtle forms of sexual harassment.

$22 million investment from state spurs UC innovation, entrepreneurship

Each of UC’s 10 campuses has just received $2.2 million in one-time funding from Assembly Bill 2664, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expansion.

Save the date: Making Power Moves – Women and Leadership returns in March

This course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from past participants.

UC seeking employee comments on revisions to Systemwide Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

This policy is up to employee review and comment through Wednesday, Jan. 25.

W-2s, exemptions, and other tax and payroll news

When and how to expect your W-2, and some important reminders pertaining to taxes and payroll.

Protect yourself from tax fraud and identity theft

Be wary of any message – especially via email, text or phone – that either claims to provide W-2 or other tax information or asks you to provide it.

Come to the APISA Lunar New Year Potluck on Jan. 18

All UCOP staff is invited to join the celebratory potluck welcoming the Year of the Rooster.