Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Save the date for UCOP Mardi Gras

The good times will be rolling into UCOP on Friday, Feb. 21 in Oakland, at the UCPath Center and in Washington, D.C. Mark your calendar and get ready to party!

Public input on UC Health collaboration

The university's Working Group on Comprehensive Access has opened the public comment period regarding its affiliations with non-UC medical facilities.

Get ready to celebrate Black History Month

The Black Staff and Faculty Organization has an array of activities planned to celebrate African-American culture and heritage throughout February.

Leadership insights: Advance your career

On Thursday, Jan. 30, learn what it takes to make the move from independent contributor to leading a team or to advance from mid-level management to senior leadership roles.

Invite a UCOP student intern to join your team

Former intern and current UCOP employee Cameron Pon shares his experience — and how an intern can help you.

LinkedIn Learning — new courses available

Every week, more high-quality online courses are available through LinkedIn Learning — and they’re all free for UCOP employees! Check out what’s new this week and get started today.

Celebrate Vietnamese New Year on Wednesday, Jan. 22

The Asian-Pacific Islander Staff Association has a fun-filled celebration planned for the Tet New Year! All staff are invited to participate.

Build your resilience

Learn to navigate the unexpected with grace and better manage stress in this new workshop from Adrienne Harrell, learning and talent development manager, UC Santa Cruz.

President Janet Napolitano

Reminder: Town Hall on Thursday, Jan. 30

Join President Napolitano in person at Oakland's Franklin building or online via Zoom. Anonymous questions can be submitted in advance.

Free financial planning courses

Could you use some help planning for retirement, building a budget or investing? Don’t miss upcoming classes from Fidelity — free for UCOP staff.