Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Multiethnic group of businesspeople sitting together and having a meeting in the office.

New training: UCOP Authentic Anti-Racist Leadership

Understanding structural racism and its impact on leadership can make you a stronger and more successful leader.

Women having a conversation

Boost your career with communication skills

Learning to communicate clearly and effectively can make a big difference in your success in and outside of the workplace.

Man drinking tea

Curb burnout and set boundaries with help from an FSAP psychologist

Being excellent doesn’t have to include burnout. Find out how to balance your personal needs, work-life balance and general wellbeing.

Woman working on a laptop computer

Live tech classes and workshops plus Women’s History Month-inspired on-demand videos

Take your professional skills into the future with new tech-focused learning opportunities from UCOP Learning and Development.

Women having a conversation

Managers’ corner: Help your team succeed with psychological safety

Learn about the power psychological safety has to influence the working conditions of our teams.

Start learning with March classes and workshops

Build your professional skills with classes and workshops organized by the Learning and Development team — all offered at no charge to UCOP staff.

Due March 31: STEP Final Check-in conversations

It’s time to Finalize Criteria and have a meaningful conversation with your manager.

Person working on laptop computer

Sign up for March classes today

Are you ready to build your professional skills? Sign up for classes and workshops — all offered at no charge to UCOP staff.

Woman working on Mac laptop

Learn how to influence without authority

You don't need to manage people to grow your career, leverage your knowledge and make an impact.

Woman meditating

FSAP to host eldercare support workshop and eight-week mindfulness training course

Find out how to improve your work-life balance, boost your resilience and put self-care first in these upcoming learning opportunities.