Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

UC Santa Barbara goes lights out to win energy conservation contest

The contest is part of an effort to engage more students in UC President Janet Napolitano’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative, which commits the UC system to produce zero-net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.

Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours?

You read the 10-second bios of your friends and colleagues. Now it's time to write your own.

Éva Goode appointed UCOP budget director

In her new role, Goode will manage the preparation and rollout of the OP budget.

Celebrate César Chávez this Friday

Join the Latino Staff Association for a light lunch and a presentation by children's author and musician José-Luis Orozco.

Franklin’s floor warden team to meet

Floor wardens will meet Wednesday, March 18, to learn about duties and the upcoming merger with the department safety officers group.

rescue workers

Sign up for UCOPAlert to receive emergency notices outside business hours

UCOPAlert delivers alerts to your home phone, personal cell phone and/or personal email outside normal business hours when you’re not in the office but need to know about a situation that affects your workplace or your ability to perform your work.

Celebrate César Chávez with stories and song

Join the Latino Staff Association for a light lunch and a presentation by children's author and musician José-Luis Orozco.

Women We Admire: M.R.C. Greenwood to speak tomorrow

Don’t miss the next event in the Women We Admire series when M.R.C. Greenwood makes a visit to UCOP tomorrow, March 11, 12 to 1 p.m., in Franklin Lobby 1.

kids to work poster

Deadline approaches for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

If you plan to participate in Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day in April, be sure to register by Friday, March 6.