Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Reminder: Take the UCOP Staff@Work engagement survey

Help make UCOP a better place to work! Take a few minutes to share your opinions on our workplace and culture.

1111 Broadway fountain

Reminder: How to access the Oakland Broadway building outside of normal business hours

If you work in Oakland, make sure you know how to access our offices before or after business hours.

Man sitting on a bench using a laptop

Keep your UC connections

It’s important to keep your personal contact information up to date in UCPath — even if you’re leaving UC.

New Asana project management software now available

Say goodbye to scattered spreadsheets; a new tool has come to the UCOP software catalog.

UCOP Oakland building

President Drake approves 2024-25 salary increases for policy-covered employees

President Drake has formally approved the 2024-25 systemwide salary program.

Privacy glass on doors of Oakland focus rooms

New upgrade for Oakland focus rooms

The Building and Administrative Service Center has installed privacy glass in focus rooms as part of the UCOP FlexWork program.

UCOP Oakland building

Introducing the UCOP FlexWork program

The FlexWork program reflects UCOP's commitment to fostering a work environment that balances organizational needs and flexibility.

Man sitting in a cafeteria

Required time and attendance reporting reminder

All employees must follow timely, accurate and complete time and leave reporting.

Man talking to his doctor

Expanded paid sick leave approved for UC employees

Expanding paid sick leave will add security and peace of mind for UC’s valued employees.