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Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Harness the benefits of mindfulness at this workshop

Learn how you can reduce stress and increase your effectiveness by adopting mindfulness practices in daily life: Sign up for Mindfulness at UCOP today.

Woman receiving COVID-19 vaccine wearing mask

COVID-19: How UC mobilized the response of a lifetime

Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded — and our university's pivotal role in the research, technology and patient care that has taken us from crisis to cure.

Doctor checking patient's heartbeat

Catch up with your health care: Are you up to date?

Now is the time to reschedule any medical or dental appointments you may have missed or canceled during the pandemic.

man daydreaming with eyes closed

How daydreaming may boost creativity

Science suggests that mind-wandering freely to more pleasant and playful thoughts may improve our mood and foster creativity.

BSFO June meditation series features Lenaya Smith Crawford

Take a breather with your UCOP colleagues every Tuesday and Thursday morning throughout the month of June.

Woman wearing flower crown

PACSW presents: Adjusting to the new normal

The President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women will present Alison King, LCSW, for concrete ways to build resilience and endurance in our post-pandemic lifestyle.

Illustration of brain and COVID-19 virus

Tips for navigating post-lockdown anxiety

As COVID-19 vaccinations continue, and we move toward full re-opening, many people are feeling re-entry anxiety. If you’re in this boat, here’s how to cope.

Upcoming courses can help boost your mental health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month — a perfect time to learn how you can manage stress at home and in the workplace.

Man sitting in field of flowers

LinkedIn Learning May challenge: Mindset matters

LinkedIn Learning’s May Challenge, kicking off May 11, focuses on the power of positive thinking and how to foster a growth mindset.

Woman doing yoga with children

Wednesday: Learn to “manage overwhelm” with Dr. Paula Trejo-Phillips of FSAP

Get tips for managing stress, anxiety and transitions, and participate in a guided mindfulness exercise in this special event hosted by the OP Staff Assembly

Foster your well-being, stress relief and balance with upcoming learning opportunities

Upcoming courses and an OPSA-sponsored event can help support your sense of well-being during this trying time.