Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Learn how to communicate more clearly at work

A new workshop offered by UCOP Learning and Development can help you boost your communications to make an impact.

Man working on list of goals

Become an expert at goal-setting with LinkedIn Learning

Guide your process of setting goals and objectives for the 2024-2025 performance year with short, targeted videos.

Illustration of man on a laptop computer using the LinkedIn Learning AI coaching tool

Try AI-powered coaching with LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning’s chatbot provides deeply personalized learning advice and resources to professionals in real-time.

Colleagues working together on a laptop computer

Celebrate National Mentorship Month with UCOP Learning and Development

Whether you're an experienced mentor, a mentee seeking guidance or just curious about the benefits of mentorship, LinkedIn Learning has resources for you.


Have fun and be creative with LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is also a fantastic outlet for learning and perfecting your interests outside your day job.

Woman holding grass at Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center

Practice gratitude with LinkedIn Learning

As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s the perfect time to pause and take a moment to reflect on what we are grateful for.

Man working at computer

Earn a professional certificate from Microsoft

LinkedIn Learning has partnered with Microsoft to offer the most in-demand professional certificates.

Man working on laptop computer

Build your tech skills with UCOP workshops

Learn more about the tools we use every day while building connections with colleagues at all UCOP locations.