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The telecommute continues: Learn and excel

UCOP’s Learning and Development team continues to offer a number of courses that are geared towards supporting employees during their telecommute experience. Check out these offerings for the month of August.

Be a better remote communicator — writing, body language and more

This robust LinkedIn Learning collection includes tips on all types of communication to address a variety of situations.

4 ways to be a better colleague by listening radically

The way you listen is just as important as the way you speak. Here’s why.

LinkedIn Learning collections for more effective remote work

Get the most out of your remote work experience with targeted courses vetted by UCOP’s Learning and Development team!

Try targeted courses with LinkedIn Learning collections

It’s easy to find the best courses on LinkedIn Learning by viewing collections vetted by UCOP’s Learning and Development team!

LinkedIn Learning: What courses have helped you?

The Learning and Development team is seeking feedback on impactful classes that you’ve discovered through LinkedIn Learning.

Beat stress by building resilience

Learn to navigate the unexpected with grace and better manage stress in this new workshop from Adrienne Harrell, learning and talent development manager, UC Santa Cruz.

Master conflict-management skills

In a new live online workshop, you can explore techniques and practical tools for preventing and addressing conflict — in person and virtually. Continue making positive impacts with confidence and composure.