UCOP colleagues share their gratitude
We asked Link readers to share their silver linings of 2020. Here’s what’s been making UCOP staff feel grateful.
We asked Link readers to share their silver linings of 2020. Here’s what’s been making UCOP staff feel grateful.
University of California Health has launched an innovative mothers’ milk bank to help improve the lives of newborns, infants and their families.
Here are six ways to bring deeper meaning to your meal by supporting farmers, farmworkers and the planet.
In response to President Drake’s jobs protection update, EVP/COO Nava issued UCOP’s plan to preserve jobs through a winter curtailment plan.
President Drake provides an update on the university’s plan to address financial challenges facing the university in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you haven’t yet done so, remember to select your UC benefits today. This year we’ve launched our first-ever virtual benefits fair!
Have you completed your required training and goal setting for the 2020/2021 performance appraisal cycle? If not, here’s what you need to know.
Sample LinkedIn Learning’s most popular courses of 2020 through bite-size, five-minute videos and watch your knowledge grow!
On Dec. 2, join the OP Staff Assembly for insight into the UC undergraduate admissions process. This session will focus on admissions selection.
In October, many UCOP employees virtually opened their hearts, kitchens and cultures to share their favorite recipes. This week is the perfect time to enjoy them!
On Dec. 2, Chair of the UC Board of Regents John A. Pérez, California's 68th Assembly Speaker, will discuss his experience and accomplishments in the California Assembly and at UC.
The new presidential policy will ensure that all individuals are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived or preferred name at UC.
Jeane has been using her time at home to flex her DIY skills through house-beautification projects.