Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Oakland construction and garage closures

Get the latest on construction outside the 1111 Franklin St. building throughout the month of March.

COVID-19: Don’t miss these updates

COVID-19 continues to spread in California and around the world. Make sure you have the information you need to stay informed and healthy.

Votes for women: The centennial of the 19th amendment

The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. Learn more about the pivotal role of the suffrage movement in American history.

Advance your career with tips for managing others

Whether you aspire to lead a team, need tips to develop your supervisory skills or are in search of new insights to motivate your team, this webinar will discuss the ins and outs of managing and inspiring others.

Nominations are open for 2020 OPSA Staff Appreciation Awards

Have colleagues who regularly inspire you? Share your appreciation by nominating them for an award sponsored by the OP Staff Assembly.

What’s new for 2019-2020 performance appraisals

Performance appraisals have officially started. Get an overview of the process and what to expect.

PACSW presents: Black women in STEM

On Monday, March 16, Tracy Richmond McKnight, Ph.D., shares stories of the pioneering and successful women in STEM in her family who have inspired her career.

You could be the next staff advisor to the UC Regents

Represent the voice of UC staff: Apply to be the next staff advisor to the UC Regents! Applications are open through April 3, 2020.


Webinar: Airline travel and the coronavirus

The situation surrounding the coronavirus and travel is swiftly changing. Tune into this free webinar from UC Travel to learn what to do if you have upcoming travel — especially UC travel — on your calendar.

Man presenting to audience

Wow your audience with top-notch presentation skills

A new course offered in Oakland and online will teach you how to make your presentations shine — and what to avoid.