One-hour training offered: Employee Role in the e-Appraisal Process
This one-hour instructor-led training will help you navigate Halogen to complete your e-Appraisal.
This one-hour instructor-led training will help you navigate Halogen to complete your e-Appraisal.
Required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), this new form documents your health care coverage.
Employees have a choice of attending a live theater-style presentation on April 21 or completing online training by May 1.
The Halogen e-Appraisal tool is open for evaluating the 2015-2016 performance year.
Benefits orientation is now offered separately from general New Employee Orientation, in a convenient and frequent webinar format.
Please read this important review of message management policies, as UCOP's new voice system has changed how voicemail needs to be handled.
Be sure to update your bookmark for the UCOP event calendar, which is now fully integrated into Link.
A newly launched tablet- and smartphone- friendly website brings retirement information to your fingertips.
New TV screens by the security desk will keep you informed about campus happenings. Learn how to share content.
The application period for the next staff advisor to the UC Regents has been extended to Friday, March 11.
The Sautter Award recognizes innovative technology projects that advance UC’s teaching, research, health care and public service missions.