Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Chancellor Kim Wilcox brings the world of Riverside to UCOP

On Wednesday, July 10, Chancellor Wilcox headlined the third Chancellor Chat at UCOP. His inspiring and lighthearted address was filled with passion for his campus and UC.

Weekend garage closure in Oakland

Due to ongoing construction around the Oakland office, the Douglas and UCOP garages will be inaccessible on July 27 and 28.

Hand with dirt

The seeds that bring fresh veggies to life

Did you know that most vegetables are annuals and need to be started every year from seeds? In a fascinating video, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources explores the science and processes that keep our food system vibrant.

Cube Chat

Strong relationships foster career success

Have you seen projects falter because stakeholders could not come to a consensus? A new Oakland-based course will provide critical guidance around building work relationships that minimize miscommunications to help meet shared goals.

UCPath Staff

Meet Local HR: UCPath Center

The HR representatives based at the UCPath Center provide a suite of relevant, essential and supportive resources to serve local managers and employees, as well as UC locations systemwide.

Watch this to advance your career

The UC Alumni Career Network is a high-impact online series that gathers UC alumni systemwide to provide real-world professional advice on an array of career-driven topics.

CPR/AED classes: Become a certified emergency responder

Are you interested in becoming a certified emergency responder?UCOP is sponsoring several three-hour training sessions of the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver® training course in Oakland.

Two guys at computer

Box Drive: UCOP’s new storage solution

Later this month, UCOP will be moving to Box Drive — a new cloud-based file storage system that replaces Box Sync. Look forward to easy access to files, right from your desktop.