Are you an aspiring leader? Apply for ALD!
If you’re not a current manager or supervisor, but aspire to one day become one, the UCOP Aspiring Leaders Development (ALD) program is designed for you.
If you’re not a current manager or supervisor, but aspire to one day become one, the UCOP Aspiring Leaders Development (ALD) program is designed for you.
Join the BRC for a workshop focused on how to use any airline credits you or your department were unable to use during pandemic travel restrictions.
Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded — and our university's pivotal role in the research, technology and patient care that has taken us from crisis to cure.
Now is the time to reschedule any medical or dental appointments you may have missed or canceled during the pandemic.
“These remarkable numbers are a testament to the hard work and resiliency of students and their families across California,” says President Michael V. Drake, M.D.
Find out more about UCOP’s plans for the future of work, and hear answers to questions submitted by your colleagues — or add your question to the conversation.
EVP/COO Rachael Nava shared UC’s final policy regarding required COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as a comprehensive set of frequently asked questions for employees
It’s a great time to boost your career. Learn how UCOP Learning and Development can help you plan for, develop and pursue your career goals.
The gift will support postdoctoral fellows for careers in academia while offering additional mentorship for tenure-track faculty posts at the university's six Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
If you’ve taken the UC Managing Implicit Bias series, don’t miss this opportunity to go deeper with your understanding of bias — and to discuss your learning with UCOP colleagues.
Join UC Travel for upcoming webinars hosted by our vendors. Learn how to maximize UCOP resources for work or personal travel.