Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

5 things you need to know about Lakeside Speakeasy Toastmasters

Have you ever thought about joining Toastmasters? Learn how to join and how it could help build your in-person and virtual communications skills.

UCSF Health Atlas

A fight to map change: The UCSF Health Atlas reveals social inequities

Ghanya Thomas interviewed doctor Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo to learn how UCSF data has shown disproportionate effects of COVID-19 in communities of color.

Have a say in your future: Make sure you’re registered to vote

As the nation approaches an unprecedented election on Nov. 3, make sure your vote is counted. And, encourage your family and community to vote too!

Help get out the vote with fun social media banners and more

This may be an election like no other, but it’s as important as ever to let your voice be heard. Share your passion for the democratic process with fun social media assets from UC.

2020 UC census logo

Help your community get its fair share in the 2020 census

With the census set to be completed Sept. 30, time is running to make sure you get counted — and get the services you deserve.

Become a poll worker for Alameda County

Do you have time to support your community around the November election? If so, consider becoming a poll worker in Alameda County.

Continuing the Conversation on Race: Join us this Friday

The first session of UCOP’s new series on understanding racism at work will take place this Friday, Aug. 14.

Explore California’s botanical diversity with the Jepson Herbarium

The great outdoors is open! There’s never been a better time to learn about the Golden State’s native plant species.

The results are in: UCOP – COVID-19 Pulse Survey

Last month, we asked you to share your thoughts on how we’ve been managing our overall response to COVID-19. Thanks to everyone who shared their insights. Here are the results.