LaSA’s Cesar Chavez Activity Challenge starts this week
The Latino Staff Association (LaSA) invites all colleagues to participate in their annual Cesar Chavez Commemorative Virtual Activity Challenge. Get moving for a great cause!
The Latino Staff Association (LaSA) invites all colleagues to participate in their annual Cesar Chavez Commemorative Virtual Activity Challenge. Get moving for a great cause!
For the second year in a row, the UCOP Latino Staff Association (LaSA) is hosting a Cesar Chavez Commemorative Virtual Activity Challenge, taking place from Feb. 7 - March 31, 2022.
An expert in Asian diasporas and transnationalism, Dr. Siu will discuss racial violence, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how communities can combat anti-Asian bia and violence.
The UCOP IT Accessibility Work Group recognizes colleagues who have demonstrated their commitment to ensuring that UCOP websites are accessible to people with disabilities.
Confronting Racism is a new program of virtual learning opportunities inspired by President Drake and the work of the UCOP Anti-Racism Task Force.
Cyber threats are on the rise. ITS is strengthening UCOP’s data security measures through a new data loss prevention software, Forcepoint.
The newest required STEP training will teach you how to use the GROW framework for a more meaningful conversation with your manager. Your next Checkpoint conversation must be completed by Aug. 31.
UCOP addresses recent violent acts in the Oakland Chinatown community and shares safety tips for all staff.
The awards were presented Aug. 10, 2021 at the annual UC Tech Conference, hosted this year by UCLA.
UC Online enables students to take online courses at other UC campuses, at no charge, during the academic year, while receiving academic credit.
Barbara, who comes from the University of Massachusetts, Office of the President, will bring more than 20 years of finance experience in higher education.
Paul brings more than 25 years of sourcing and procurement expertise, including a special focus on supply chain diversity.