Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

How well do you know ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is not only a request tracking system. It also serves as a primary tool for communication with departments.

Share your thoughts on UCOP’s performance appraisal process

Do you have ideas about how to make UCOP's performance appraisal process better? The performance management working group wants to hear from you! Share your perspective by scheduling an in-person feedback session.

Computer Support

Box Drive is coming to UCOP this month

Be on the lookout this month for information about Box Drive — a new cloud-based file storage system that will replace Box Sync. You will receive an email giving you instructions on when Box will be installed and how to sign in. No preparation is necessary.

Five great reasons to deal with your records now

Have you been procrastinating at organizing your files for off-site storage? Please take a deep breath and breathe in. Then remember: We all have a lot of files and we’re all in this together. It’s up to each of us to be organized and ready to move.

Hand with dirt

The seeds that bring fresh veggies to life

Did you know that most vegetables are annuals and need to be started every year from seeds? In a fascinating video, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources explores the science and processes that keep our food system vibrant.

Watch this to advance your career

The UC Alumni Career Network is a high-impact online series that gathers UC alumni systemwide to provide real-world professional advice on an array of career-driven topics.


45: The magic number for reimbursements

Do you have travel and entertainment reimbursements to request? Submit your expense report within 45 days. Plus, follow these tips to ensure sure your expenses can be approved in a jiffy.

Woman with laptop

Zoom now connects even more participants

Zoom has increased its base capacity for meetings — now up to 300 participants can join with no additional license needed.


Road-trip worthy reserve

The NRS's Valentine Camp reserve is welcoming the public to a variety of educational tours this July. This is your chance to visit the best-kept secret in Mammoth Lakes.