Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Celebrate wellness and César Chávez with LaSA

There’s still time to join LaSa’s March wellness fundraiser — register by March 25. Plus, attend a special wrap-up celebration on March 31.

UCLA College Library in Powell

Attend a free virtual New Year’s Eve meditation with UCLA

End 2020 with a free virtual meditation session produced by the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.

Seated man being contemplative

Join us for a new workshop: Self-care during COVID-19

Even if you’re not caring for children or other family members, the COVID-19 pandemic poses many challenges. During a new workshop, Ola Popoola will offer tips for coping and resilience.

Here’s how UCOP staff are staying fit

We asked how you’ve been keeping in shape during the shelter-in-place order. Here are your active passions and workout recommendations.

Share your input on UCOP health and wellness webinars

UCOP offers free, confidential health and wellness services to all employees through the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program — and we’ll soon be offering free webinars. Let us know what topics you’d like to learn more about.

Woman holding dog standing by flowers

Classes to promote mindfulness and reduce stress

Learn how you can focus on mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset during these online courses.

Stay centered during the coronavirus outbreak: Part 2

If you’ve been feeling lonely or anxious during the coronavirus outbreak, check out the second round of UC newsroom’s guidance from the Greater Good Science Center.

Coronavirus update: What you need to know

The situation around COVID-19 is rapidly evolving. Learn more about how UCOP is responding and how to keep yourself healthy.

LinkedIn Learning is your work-wellness resource

Did you know? In addition to providing top-notch professional development courses, LinkedIn Learning offers robust wellness-focused content. Get ready to stretch, relax and refocus.

Learn healthy recipes with PACSW

On Feb. 13, join the President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women for a healthy cooking demonstration with UC Berkeley Wellness Program Dietitian Kim Guess. Samples will be included!