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Halloween pumpkin

Save the date: OPSA virtual Halloween celebration

On Oct. 30, the OP Staff Assembly welcomes all staff to attend a virtual Halloween celebration — including our popular costume contest.

William Shakespeare drawing

Wednesday, Sept. 30: Join the Shakespeare Club for “Richard II”

The UCOP Shakespeare Club meets intermittently to do a cold reading of Shakespeare’s plays — aspiring to boil down all swashbuckling and soliloquizing to one hour. Check it out!

Woman and man talking

New, simpler performance appraisals coming in September

Introducing STEP: Staff Talent Evaluation Process, our new and simpler performance appraisal process.

Woman wearing white shirt

Nominations are open: UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development

This experiential systemwide program for mid-career women-identified UC professionals is accepting nominations through Oct. 4. Here’s how the process works.

Woman feeding child with spoon

Support for UCOP staff, particularly caregivers, during COVID-19

We are continuing to support employees throughout the pandemic by developing new resources to address the complex struggles of these unprecedented times. Learn how even the simple act of sharing an article can be the right spark at the right time.

Man sitting on blue chair

Introducing the UC Core Competencies

Starting with 2020-2021 performance appraisals, UCOP staff will complete evaluations with the same core competencies that our colleagues use throughout the system.

My new (ab)normal: Meredith Turner, bread baker extraordinaire

While quarantining at home, Meredith has embraced sourdough bread-baking, house dresses and “The Home Edit.”

Boy sitting with pencil

Update: Distance learning resources

Are you helping a child learn from home? Don’t miss this list of helpful resources — from STEM subjects to literature, geography, music and more.

Woman working on laptop

New courses and popular series from UCOP Learning and Development

Boost your career with live virtual learning opportunities offered throughout the fall.

UCSF Health Atlas

A fight to map change: The UCSF Health Atlas reveals social inequities

Ghanya Thomas interviewed doctor Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo to learn how UCSF data has shown disproportionate effects of COVID-19 in communities of color.

Student holding vote sign

New poll reveals youth perspectives on COVID-19 and voting

According to a new UC poll, more than 80% of California youth say they are strictly adhering to social distancing guidelines and two out of three are concerned about lifting public health restrictions too quickly.